Sunday, August 16, 2015

How to become Wealthy - The Cashflow Game of Brian Tracy & Robird Kiyosaki

5 Reasons Why Most Don’t Become Wealthy

Why is it that people don’t become wealthy?
In a country like ours, with the opportunities that we have, why is it that so few people retire financially independent?  and I eventually found the answers. Here are what I consider to be the five reasons why people don’t become wealthy.

This is why people who grow up in homes where their parents are wealthy are much more likely to become wealthy as adults then people who grew up in homes where their parents are not.  So the first reason why people don’t become wealthy is it never occurs to them that it is possible for them.  And of course, if it never occurs to them, then they never take any of the steps necessary to make it a reality. More detail-Brian Tracy
1. Who me?
2. Make a decision
3. Maybe tomorrow
4. Pay the price
5. Take the long view

The Cash-flow to become wealthy
"There was an important diagram my rich dad showed me when I was a little boy. It was a diagram known as the Cash Flow Quadrant. And the Quadrant is made of four different people who make of the business world. 

So my rich dad said, "In the business world there are Es and E stands for employees. And the employees, you can always tell who they are by their core values. An employee with the president, the generator of the company, will always say the same words. The words are, "I'm looking for a safe, secure job with benefits." That's what makes them employees because their core value is security."
The other one of the four is the S for the small business owner or the self-employed and again their core values will cause them to use the same words which are, "If you want it done right, do it by yourself." S means they are also solo. Generally one person act, they operate by themselves. More detail-the Cashflow

Video: "How to become Wealthy - The Cashflow Game of Brian Tracy & Robird Kiyosaki"

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